To say I need you to follow me, or follow my page takes a lot for me. I have to say it more than I want to, but it goes against the grain of my very being. I’m not a fan of self promoters, I just don’t like it. I’ve been raised to be humble and to prefer someone else above myself, so this is hard. But, I need you to follow me and my page. I need to know you're reading this blog, listen to my weekly radio show, or read the new weekly newspaper article. If you listen, please comment on the post. If you have a show or blog post idea, please comment.
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See? Simple, easy, not hard, reasonable, elementary
Please, ease my pain and follow me. Let me know that something I am doing puts a smile on your face or makes you think.
Thanks folks... oh by the way, I submitted my second article today, if they print it Saturday I guess they like it.
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