Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Mylon Hayes Family

It’s a Family Thing

Family is an important element of Southern Gospel Music. Think back through the
years, and you’ll remember that some of the most successful and the most loved groups are indeed family groups. One comes to mind, a recently retired group that you no doubt have heard of… The McKameys. Their harmonies were tight, and their songs were anointed. Do you remember the Speer Family, the Singing Cookes? Recently the Collingsworth Family, and the Jordan Family Band have made a name for themselves.

Now that our thinking is towards family groups, I want to introduce you to or at least remind you of The Mylon Hayes Family. This an extension of the Hayes Family in which Mylon sang for 40 years. Mylon Hayes is continuing in the gospel heritage with his bride, Wendy, their twin boys, Conner and Bailey, and their daughter Kennedy. 

I recently got a message from Pastor Byron Chesney, he asked me to check the Mylon Hayes Family out. He said, “I’ve recently started listening to them, my favorite is Resurrection Power.” When I receive a request, I take it seriously, so for two weeks I’ve listened to their music and I must echo Pastor Chesney, “man, they have some great stuff.”

Their last album goes back to 2018, with fourteen songs, it is a great find in an era of six or seven tracks per album. It begins with, “We Come in the Name of Jesus”, lifting the name of Christ in song, this is a terrific song that will get your toes tapping but make you think about that name that is above every name… Jesus. 

Though released two years ago, “God Can Still Turn it Around” is a near prophetic song for the current health crisis in America and around the world. Wendy sings powerful lyrics like, “You wonder how it ever got this far, never dreamed your world would fall apart…”, have hope dear reader, God is still in control.
Madison leads the very next song on the album, “God is Always Faithful”, is a pleasant reminder that “God will do what He promised”. 

With styles ranging from Camp meeting, Hymns, traditional Southern Gospel to a grammatically incorrect song “Ain’t It Good”. I’m a new listener to the Mylon Hayes Family, however, with only one album in my library, I’m ready for more. I’m certain if you take a moment or two, you too would be hooked, but that’s just my Southern Gospel Point of View.

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Thursday, April 2, 2020

Social Media Giant among Southern Gospel Artists

               From a smalltown in North Georgia, the Ball Brothers from Chickamauga, Georgia are a favorite among young and older listeners. These brothers, In-Laws, and friends are a social media giant. With followers from all over the world and in small towns across America.

I first heard the Ball Brothers in late 2014, when I heard “Someday”, a song that took me back to an era of music dominated by Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, and Frank Sinatra. I met them in 2017 at the National Quartet Convention and was very impressed by their live sound and performance, but also their following. Young and old seem to love the sound, as their 2016 album states, they sing “music that spans the generations”.  
Just a few weeks I was able to talk to Daniel Ball. The group visited our little a few weeks ago, he says “We would love to do some exploring in the area”. As I stated earlier, their last album was nearly four years ago, so the next question had to be, when will we hear more from the Ball Brothers. Daniel said, “We are currently working on a project of cover songs with a Ball Brothers twist”. It is slated to be available in late summer. 

Speaking of “covers”, in case that is a new term for you. It is when an Artist re-records a previously released song by another artist. Generally, they infuse the original with their own personality and style, many times producing a better listening experience than the original. A few that you can see on YouTube are Jordan Feliz’s, “The River”, and Zach Williams’, “Old Church Choir”

Outside of the brief interaction with them back in 2017, and the Facebook encounter with Daniel, I've not had an opportunity to really get to know them as artists, or individuals. After checking their website and other articles or blogs about them I have found that they are just like me. I know, I know, not one of them is red-headed, or overweight, but they are husbands, fathers, and men. Men that are doing their best to live for God, support their families, share the Gospel, and bring smiles to faces across the world. Isn't that we all should be doing? In a word the answer is... YES!  

While the world is on lockdown because of COVID-19, do me a favor. Purchase their music, watch their online videos, interact with them on social media, and as soon as they are able to book again Go out and see them. There is a void in the world right now, at least the Southern Gospel Music World because of the lack of brick and mortar meeting places for concerts. I mentioned this above, but I'll reiterate it here. The Ball Brothers are social media giants. They have over 22,000 subscribers on YouTube, and over 2,000,000 views. Their YouTube channel began in 2007, and since that time, other SG artists have taken their lead and jumped headlong into the YouTube and Socal Media pool. Matt Fouch, Mark Lowry, and Jordan Family Band are a few Artists that are making strides in the social media realm. 

With that said, these artists are now performing in homes or on empty stages to provide a Live Concert feel. They are doing these Live Concerts for a reason, they don't want to give up, they want to make a difference, but if I can go to bat for them, these artists need to stay in communication with you and I. For many, concerts are their income, for some, it is their only income. So, as you watch these videos, andLive concerts, consider donating to their ministry. Suppor them during this time if you are able. Most of them will not ask for your financial support, but I encourage you to consider these as your friends and family. They need help too, they have bills too, and they have no income during this time of "Social Distancing".

I've digressed just a little, for good reason, but to get back to the purpose of this post. The Ball Brothers truly do sing “music that spans generations”, of the albums that are available to purchase you will undoubtedly find something that you enjoy, but that’s just my Southern Gospel Point of View

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