BY: James Burke, Founder, and Host of Southern Gospel Point of View
You read that title correctly. Thanksgiving is now past and the calendar has changed to December. The radio have started a full transition from Southern Gospel to mostly Christmas music. Country stations will begin to pepper in Christmas music. Shoppers have spent the last several days forging through crowds clad with masks and bandanas to protect them from COVID-19.

The songs that are filling our radio waves and the muzak systems in all of the stores are filled with hope, love, care, cheer and at times a little mischief. Think about it, “Silver Bells”, “Christmas in Dixie”, “Christmas Shoes”, O Little Town of Bethlehem”, Silent Night” and “Grandma Got Ran Over By a Reindeer” are all filled with hope and cheer. Well, maybe not that last one.
There are religious songs, secular, and funny Christmas songs that we all enjoy. My Favorite Christmas song is probably “O’ Holy Night”, on the secular side though, my favorite is probably “Blue Christmas” or “The Christmas Song” by Nat King Cole. After all, who doesn’t love Nat King Coles voice?
Some of your favorite artists love and listen to Christmas music all year long. Mark Trammell, and Jon Epley are two of them. I sing or whistle Christmas tune all year long, so when the season finally comes along, I’m immersed in the music.
One of the greatest Christmas songs, and without a doubt The Greatest of our generation is Mark Lowry’s “Mary Did You Know?”. Those words recorded in Luke chapter 2 have always made me curious. “But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Can you imagine through the nine months that she carried Jesus Christ in her womb what she must have thought? Further, can you imagine what she must have felt or thought when Christ was born and realized this child was the very seed of God.
This will be a hard time for so many, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, but take heart! Christ is still the source and reason for this season. He far outweighs the tinsel and lights, and the gifts and treats. His name is more important than Saint Nicholas, so once again, Take heart dear friend, “Tis the season, to rejoice, to care, to love, to laugh, to embrace and to share, but that’s just my Southern Gospel Point of View.
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